Freedom of Information Act
The village of Ogden is a municipality incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois for the purpose of providing its residents with the following services: sewer and water service, streets/alleys/sidewalks maintenance and drainage. The Village’s functional location is 101 W. Main Street, Ogden, Illinois. The approximate amount of the operating budget of the village of Ogden is approximately $500,000. Ogden employs 1 person full-time and 1 person part-time.
Any person requesting records of the Village of Ogden may make such a request either in person, or in writing at the Village of Ogden office located at 101 W. Main Street, Ogden, IL, or via fax 217-582-2515. Business hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am through 12:00 pm. Such a request should be made to Jennifer Bowman, Freedom of Information Officer at such address. Other methods would be by mailing a written request to Jennifer Bowman specifying in particular the records requested to be disclosed and copied. All written requests should be addressed to the FOIA Officer at the village’s address. If you desire that any records be certified, you must indicate that in your request and specify which records must be certified. The fee structure for FOIA requests is as follows: First 50 pages, black and white, letter or legal size copies, no cost. Additional pages, black and white, letter of legal size, actual cost is $0.15. Cost of certifying a record will be $1.00.The Village of Ogden will respond to the request within five (5) working days from the date unless one or more of the seven (7) reasons for an extension of time provided for in Section 3 (e) of the Act are invoked by the village.